Monday, February 06, 2006

DC School Moderinization Campaign

By Denisse Rodriguez

Hey what's up this is Denisse. I haven't been around in a while, but I'm back.

First of all, I would like to congratulate the Youth Education Alliance, DC students, parents, and teachers for the wonderful job of organizing the rally for the DC School Moderinization Campaign!

For those who haven't heard of it, there was a rally in support of full funding for DCPS last Friday the 3rd. The Youth Education Alliance, also known as YEA, is a youth led organization that focuses on the improvements of the conditions and services of DCPS.

The reason why I'm so happy for them is because they're one of our (YARG's) allies, and it's good to know that we all, in some way, are making changes for the better of our city. It's really important for our city to know our priorities. It should be the funding for better schools in the Nation's Capital, not the funding for silly old baseball in the Nation's Capital.

For the baseball fans in support of the stadium, you have to understand where I'm coming from. I come from a Dominican family that loves baseball, but what makes more sense? The future of baseball in D.C. or the future of our kids in D.C.?


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